The Cyber Security Poverty Line: If we don’t address the least prepared, the most prepared will suffer

The Cyber Security Poverty Line

For the many cybersecurity practitioners living in the shadow of threat actors and adversaries, I can’t even imagine what the battle is like, and for businesses still struggling to establish a baseline cybersecurity solution for their operations, I commend your efforts. We are all living on the edge in anticipation of an attack soon to come, already in place but haven’t been detected yet, or recovering from a terrible attack.

The 4 major types of MoMo fraud you should be aware of

types of momo fraud

Mobile Money (MoMo) fraud has been with us for some time. While many people have fallen victim to the menace, there’s still a lot of ignorance about what this is. There are many types of MoMo fraud, and if you’re not careful, you may end up falling for one before realising what happened.